Biking & Walking

Those who participate in an active commute, report having greater feelings of freedom, relaxation and excitement than car commuters.
Are you ready to take back your commute? We can help you make it possible.
  • Walking to and from work is great for your heart. A March 2017 study conducted by The BMJ determined that walkers had a 27% lower risk of having a heart attack or other heart-related compared to people who took less active modes of transport.

  • $2 Billion in gas would be saved annually if just 1 in 10 commuters switched to biking (source: The House Outdoor Gear ).

Use your leg power to bicycle or walk to work. Neponset Valley promotes bicycling as a healthy, environmentally friendly way of getting around. Active Commuting is an important part of the TMA's efforts to improve mobility and protect our environment.

Some of the benefits to an Active Commute:
  • Avoid unhealthy traffic congestion
  • Help to improve air quality
  • Save on gas
  • Avoid parking costs
  • Increase your physical activity
  • Reduce your stress
  • Join the bike commuting community
  • Feel the thrill you get from bike riding

Here's How

For more information about biking to work, please visit the resources below.
The average distance a commuter walks is two miles. Before you get started, we recommend that you invest in a good pair of comfortable shoes and test out your route on a weekend to ensure that it’s safe for walking.
We can help you find a safe bike route to commute to your workplace. We have also partnered with Park&Pedal, an organization that makes bike commuting accessible to anyone, despite the distance they commute.
Our Bike Buddy Program is a service provided by eCommuter that matches bicycle commuters with one another. Find a Bike Partner.
Interested in starting a bike share in your community or development? We work closely with Zagster to make bike shares a reality.

Active Commuting in the Neponset Valley

The TMA hosts bike tune-ups, commuter appreciation, and bike safety events throughout the year. Keep an eye out for us at your workplace!
Want to be featured? Send photos of your biking/walking commute. 
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