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2024년 4월 19일
Just mention the word “commuting” and blood pressures start to soar. Even the calmest driver starts to prickle with anxiety when faced with the prospect of wasting up to 51 hours per year stuck in traffic. That’s longer than most vacations. RingCentral reports that 40% of workers would rather clean their toilet than commute, which is really saying something since it’s statistically among the most-hated chores. With so many employees making a return to the office either full or part time, the issue of how to ease concerns over commuting has become a hot topic. The conversation is likely to continue given that surveyed 1,000 key corporate decision makers and found that “9 in 10 companies with office space will have a return to office by 2024.” What could possibly help to make it better? A Commuter Services Program is a great way to give employees a low-cost, high-impact benefit that they will appreciate. Programs can be very simple or more in-depth depending on staffing, budget, and corporate culture. Wherever a Commuter Program fits into your organization, it’s worth considering for 2024. Here are 5 proven commuting strategies that can transform the journey between home and work from a stress-inducing slog into something more productive –and maybe even calming.
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